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Helping Students Succeed: Two Filipino Graduates of the Program for Assisted Studies Get Their De...

Arthur (right) working on homework alongside fellow PAS students at Tahanan, where they are given access to internet, tutoring, and resources that help them succeed in school.

When we do ministry abroad, G.O.D. International puts in extensive work to understand the needs of those we want to work alongside. In the Philippines, one of those needs is for college students to be able to afford all the expenses associated with an undergraduate college education.

Because our Tahanan Community Center is geared towards ministering to youth, we learned of this need as it emerged among those who have participated in our various ministry programs.

G.O.D. Int’l SEA Serves College Students with Programming to Help them Raise Funds to Go to College

In learning of this need, our team created the Program for Assisted Studies (P.A.S.) back in 2019 to help college students raise funds for school. In short, students are able to help out with needs at Tahanan in exchange for the use of educational resources at Tahanan and a stipend towards their tuition at their local college.

Arthur (right) helps lead Tahanan Kids activities as a part of Tahanan PAS.

I recently corresponded with two P.A.S. graduates, Arthur Mijia and Pepito Acebedo, both of whom were part of the program for the last several terms of their college education. In keeping with the goal of the program, these two PAS graduates are also college graduates!

Both Arthur and Pepito faced a variety of obstacles in being able to complete their post-secondary education, primarily related to financial hardship. In fact, Pepito had to drop out of college twice due to an inability to cover expenses. These same obstacles have driven each of these young men to complete their college education and find a profession with which they can help provide for their family and contribute to the needs of their community.

The Program for Assisted Studies in G.O.D. SEA Provides Dependable Income for Students and Teaches Practical Skills

Arthur recently graduated from Eastern Visayas State University with a degree in mechanical engineering and Pepito from Visayas State University with a degree in education focused in Mathematics.

Pepito’s role at Tahanan during his time in PAS was to help clean and organize the center’s spaces to be used for the various programs. He also received training in gardening and cooking during his time in the program. He says that he will continue to put these skills into practice in his teaching career as he considers the importance of a creatively organized and well maintained environment to aid in student learning.

Pepito (left) presents his design project following a seminar hosted at Tahanan on the elements of graphic design.

Arthur’s responsibilities centered around facility maintenance. He helped to troubleshoot and repair things around Tahanan to keep the facility welcome for all visitors. Arthur has gained valuable skills in resourcefulness and troubleshooting, which are important skills to be employed in the world of engineering.

Both young men have appreciated PAS for its opportunity to help them learn valuable life skills, have the opportunity to participate in ministry and for its financial support for their education that enabled them to complete their degree.

Graduates of P.A.S. Are on their way to full time jobs in their respective fields of work

They are currently pursuing careers in their respective fields of education. Arthur looks forward to opening his own motorshop upon completing board exams, and Pepito is working as a private tutor while waiting to take his board exams to pursue an opportunity as a math teacher.

Both Arthur and Pepito come from large families and feel compelled to play a role in working hard to improve the paths forward for their families. We have been blessed to become friends and ministry partners with these young men over the past few years. While they have graduated from PAS, it’s hardly an end. Both Arthur and Pepito are eager to continue serving at Tahanan in varying capacities, and we are so encouraged to have them along for the ride.

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