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About G.O.D. Int'l

Global Outreach Developments International (G.O.D. Int'l) is a non profit 501 (c) organization established in 1996 by Gregg and Tara Garner. Since our beginnings in Nashville, Tennessee, we have grown to host headquarters and programs for development in 4 international regions: Latin America, East Africa, India, and South East Asia. Our efforts focus primarily on educational growth, community service, and third world development. 

Equipping a globally conscious community to serve the poor and marginalized through education, advocacy and empowerment, without discrimination, demonstrating unconditional love.


We are a movement that transplants communities of global denizens, who in solidarity with the poor and marginalized, embody the ethics of justice and freedom to bring about societal transformation where education and autonomy exist for all, without discrimination.  We do not value popular American ideals associated with violence, domination, neocolonialism and the attitude that the country has favored nation status with God and is unaccountable to the voice of the global community.  Instead, as an educated community who values the preservation of life as governed by the ethical teachings of the bible, we will empower global citizens to implement the justice of God in their societies, through non-violent activity focused on education and capacity development of the poor and marginalized, as demonstrated in the life and message of Jesus of Nazareth.


About GOD Intl - Agriculture India
2023 GOD Intl Community Retreat

Educators, in the holistic sense, regarding health (both physical and mental), agriculture, technology, ethics and social services. 


Advocates, to come alongside those who need representation in the most vulnerable situations.  


Administrators, to facilitate the development of such agencies to be self-sustaining; empowering communities to experience a healthy interdependence



From 1995 to present, G.O.D. Int'l has been focusing its activities, developing its capacity, and making efficient its processes to serve the poor and marginalized. Initially based out of Antioch, we began in just a few office spaces developing educational initiatives, community service efforts, and sending missions groups abroad. Since then, GOD Nashville has grown to expand over 40 Acres in Hopewell Neighborhood in Old Hickory, TN and established 4 Headquarter locations in Uganda, El Salvador, India, and The Philippines.

Though our work is in five regions of the world, the ONE team mentality allows us to coordinate our resources to enact our mission globally, on a local level. Our most valuable resource being the human one, rigorous training and years of shared experiences between team members has enhanced our network so that recipients of our services receive not only the benefit of the few positioned to serve in their local area, but also the resource of knowledge and experience found in the global network of our ONE team.



Gregg Garner

Founder, CEO, & President

Gregg is the dedicated founder and leader of G.O.D. International, and has been serving the organization and people diligently for more than 25 years. He holds 2 Bachelors Degrees, 4 Masters Degrees, and 2 Doctorates degrees, all centered around Biblical Education, The Arts, Community Development, Leadership, and Global Initiatives. Gregg is also a dedicated Lead Pastor at the Church Community for GOD, a Professor and President at the Institute for GOD and Founder of the Academy for GOD.

Global outreach developments Intl founder Gregg Garner

Jason Webb

Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Webb has over 30 years of service in leadership in the U.S. Navy, most recently as Chief Operating Officer for the Western Recruiting Region. He is adept in leading teams, organizational leadership, strategic planning and analysis, change management, developing and streamlining people processes, program development and execution, human resource management, and maximizing productivity.

GOD Intl COO Jason Webb