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G.O.D. East Africa Hosts 2-Day Soccer Camp for Local Primary Students in Uganda

In April 2023, G.O.D. East Africa cooperatives and youth in Uganda hosted a 2-day soccer camp at a local primary school.

Though the funds for this camp were raised during G.O.D. Intl’s 2021 holiday campaign, the event was delayed due to ongoing COVID restrictions followed by an Ebola outbreak in the region. The event was primarily facilitated by the college and high-school-aged youth among our missionary families, those who attend the Institute for G.O.D. and the Academy for G.O.D. online. Francis Lubega, Josephine Nakimuli and Lawrence Ssemakula oversaw the camp along with the school’s administrators. Peter Musaazi, an Institute for GOD student, led the other student volunteers as they hosted drills and games for the St John’s primary students. On day 1, the youth led the students through numerous soccer drills and training, briefed them on the goals and values to be focused on, and selected teams for the following day. On day 2, it was game day with an 8-team tournament (4 girls and 4 boys’ teams). The days were filled with peaceful competition and blessed everyone involved!

The theme for the soccer camp was teamwork, based on Psalm 133:1 - How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! The emphasis was on the need for unity among those facilitating and coaching the teams as well as the participants from the local elementary school. As Francis said, “Without unity, we cannot accomplish much, and it is the spirit of God that binds us together for good works to be accomplished.” The values that were focused on included endurance (based on James 1:4 and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing) and consideration (based on Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others).

Organized sports are universally recognized as beneficial to health and wellness, social inclusion and empowerment, as well as peacebuilding and conflict resolution. The biblical values upon which the camp was rooted give local children tools for developing their skills in working as a team, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and resolving conflict in real time to pursue a common goal. Learning to appreciate diversity, develop skills in understanding, leadership and cooperation are takeaways that these children will carry with them as they continue to grow into local leaders.

100 students between the ages of 6-12 participated in the soccer camp.

Participants were very excited to have this organized time to enjoy soccer, with the added benefit of skills and character development. The youth facilitating also enjoyed the experience of highlighting biblical values while children were engaging in sports. The mindfulness for one another among all the participants was unique and beautiful to witness. Joseph Mawejje (below), another Institute student, participated as a drill instructor, team coach, and referee. He and Musaazi even built the soccer goals for the camp. Watch Joseph share his experience in a testimony video below! Thank you for supporting youth enrichment in East Africa!

Join us in providing sports programming in all our regions.

We provide sports programming in East Africa, El Salvador, India, South East Asia and Nashville. Your support ensures that any child that wants to participate has the opportunity and the equipment to do so! Click the link below to give financially, and note in the memo the program you’d like to give toward.

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